Date : June 21, 2023
Time : 7:39 am
Hopscotch is a classic game played on a chalk-drawn board. Players throw an object and hop through numbered squares, avoiding lines. It improves balance, coordination, and concentration while promoting physical activity and social interaction.
Hopscotch involves throwing an object onto a numbered board and hopping through the squares. It enhances balance, coordination, and concentration. This traditional game encourages physical activity and social engagement among players of all ages.
Hopscotch is a popular game played on a chalk-drawn board with numbered squares. Players throw an object, hop through the squares, and avoid stepping on lines. It develops balance, coordination, and focus while fostering active play and social interaction.
Double Dutch is an energetic jump rope game played with two long ropes and at least three players. The game involves turning the
Kick the can is an exciting game that combines strategy, speed, and teamwork. In this game, one player acts as the “guard” and
Red Rover is a team game where players form a human chain by holding hands. One team calls out a player from the opposing team
Once upon a time, in a lake lived an old crane. He was so old that it was becoming almost impossible for him to hunt for food. One day,
Once upon a time, in a big jungle, there lived many monkeys on an enormous mango tree. They would eat fruits all day and swing
A little bluebird was born in the nest of a big tree. He grew fast. “Why don’t you go and learn how to fly with your brother and